Grand Rapids Child Discovery Center, Grand Rapids, MI (Photo: Erik Holladay)
Student-Centered • Data-Driven • Equity-Focused
Closing the Opportunity Divide: Addressing Michigan’s Teacher Shortage Problem for Students Most in Need
Michigan’s students who are the most underserved face the highest rates of inexperienced teachers, teachers who have emergency or temporary credentials, and ed…
2024 State of Michigan Education Report: Seven Decades after Brown – Devastating Inequities, Unfair School Funding – and Reasons for Hope
Seven decades after the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case Brown vs. Board of Education, Michigan students of color continue to face devastating educational ineq…
Educational Recovery and Acceleration through Equitable Funding: How Michigan’s Budget Can Improve Outcomes for all Students
All students deserve access to a high-quality education and the resources they need to thrive. However, in Michigan this has not been the reality for far too l…
Eliminating the Opportunity Gaps: Creating a Truly Fair and Equitable Funding System
Michigan has long had one of the most regressive school funding formulas, according to state and national research.In fact, Michigan is underfunding students f…
2023 State of Michigan Education Report: Beyond the Pandemic
In every classroom across our great state – from Monroe to Manistee and Mt. Pleasant to Marquette – every Michigan student deserves access and opportunity to t…
Still Stalled: 2022 State of Michigan Education Report
Michigan's education performance is projected to position the state's youngest students farther behind other states' students for early reading by 2030 if Mich…
Engine of Inequality: Michigan’s Education System
Every student deserves access and opportunity to the educational resources and support that they need to achieve and fully realize their unique potential. Fair…
Rebuilding Equitably: Overcoming Educational Inequity through Michigan’s Budget
The past year has demonstrated the fragility of Michigan’s public education system and longstanding inequities, amid the rapidly evolving global pandemic. One …
The Urgency of Now: Michigan’s Educational Recovery
As Michigan and the nation continue to grapple with the ongoing, devastating impacts of COVID-19, a new poll finds that 85% of Michigan parents polled say the …
A Marshall Plan: Reimagining Michigan Public Education
Over the last decade, our State of Michigan Public Education Report has marked annually Michigan’s progress and performance based on important data-driven meas…
Michigan’s School Funding: Crisis and Opportunity
Michigan’s public education system is facing a crisis by many important measures. Compared to other U.S. states, Michigan ranks sixth from the bottom for educa…
Opportunity for All
Today, Michigan ranks among the bottom states in the nation for key metrics of student learning and success.Not only is Michigan failing to close the performan…
Advancing Equity & Opportunity: Prioritizing Public Education in Michigan’s State Budget
Over the past several years, state leaders and the general public have recognized the serious and growing crisis in Michigan public education.During the last f…
Top Ten For Education: Not By Chance
Michigan is at a critical moment in time — a historic moment where our citizens and leaders must choose whether we will take advantage of new opportunities to …
Opportunities Realized and Lost: Equity and Excellence in Michigan’s Budget
Education and equity advocates have much to celebrate in this budget, including additional dollars for our most vulnerable students. Despite this progress, cha…
In little more than a decade, Michigan has gone from a fairly average state to the bottom ten states for key subjects on the national assessment.It’s a devasta…
Becoming Top Ten: An Analysis of Michigan’s ESSA Plan
In little more than a decade, Michigan has gone from being a fairly average state, to among the nation's bottom ten states in critical measures for student lea…