Student-Centered • Data-Driven • Equity-Focused
2024 State of Michigan Education Report: Seven Decades after Brown – Devastating Inequities, Unfair School Funding – and Reasons for Hope
Seven decades after the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case Brown vs. Board of Education, Michigan students of color continue to face devastating educational ineq…
2023 State of Michigan Education Report: Beyond the Pandemic
In every classroom across our great state – from Monroe to Manistee and Mt. Pleasant to Marquette – every Michigan student deserves access and opportunity to t…
Rebuilding Equitably: Overcoming Educational Inequity through Michigan’s Budget
The past year has demonstrated the fragility of Michigan’s public education system and longstanding inequities, amid the rapidly evolving global pandemic. One …
The Urgency of Now: Michigan’s Educational Recovery
As Michigan and the nation continue to grapple with the ongoing, devastating impacts of COVID-19, a new poll finds that 85% of Michigan parents polled say the …
A Marshall Plan: Reimagining Michigan Public Education
Over the last decade, our State of Michigan Public Education Report has marked annually Michigan’s progress and performance based on important data-driven meas…
Michigan’s School Funding: Crisis and Opportunity
Michigan’s public education system is facing a crisis by many important measures. Compared to other U.S. states, Michigan ranks sixth from the bottom for educa…
Advancing Equity & Opportunity: Prioritizing Public Education in Michigan’s State Budget
Over the past several years, state leaders and the general public have recognized the serious and growing crisis in Michigan public education.During the last f…
Top Ten For Education: Not By Chance
Michigan is at a critical moment in time — a historic moment where our citizens and leaders must choose whether we will take advantage of new opportunities to …
Opportunities Realized and Lost: Equity and Excellence in Michigan’s Budget
Education and equity advocates have much to celebrate in this budget, including additional dollars for our most vulnerable students. Despite this progress, cha…
Accountability for All: 2016; The Broken Promise of Michigan’s Charter Sector
Michigan charter school authorizers’ performance overall has improved marginally over the last year, but remains terribly low compared to leading states’ chart…
Stalled to Soaring: Michigan’s Path to Educational Recovery
State of Michigan Education report — “Stalled to Soaring: Michigan’s Path to Educational Recovery” — is the result of months of research and a year of Ed Trus…
Supporting Michigan’s Teachers: Smart Implementation of High Standards, Training, and Educator Evaluation
Michigan students continue to fall behind their peers in other states in learning. According to 2013 national assessment data, an appalling 69 percent of Michi…
Good for Teachers, Good for Students: The Need for Smart Teacher Evaluation in Michigan
As Michigan student achievement continues to fall behind a growing number of other states, it’s clear that Michigan needs to support teachers better to improve…
Strengthening Michigan’s Teaching Force
Michigan teachers have one of the most important roles in our state’s and children’s future. Yet as a state, we have neglected to build strong feedback and sup…
Michigan No Child Left Behind Waiver Analysis
The U.S. Department of Education has offered Michigan a rare opportunity to devise new educational systems that better serve our state’s students, families and…
What Our Students Deserve: Facing the Truth About Education in the Great Lakes State
An honest look at public education in Michigan reveals both hopeful and dismal news. While our state has taken a few bold steps in the past year to improve our…
Teacher Evaluation in Michigan
Valuable and meaningful professional feedback is one of the cornerstones of growth as a person and as a professional. In healthy workplaces, there are clear an…
Improving and Supporting Michigan’s Teaching Quality
As any parent knows, teachers matter. A teacher’s effectiveness has more impact on student learning than any other factor controlled by school systems, includ…