Mich. Ed. Roundup – Dec 5
Education plan missing honest data, high goals & accountability
Every Michigan student – regardless of race, family income or disability status – deserves access to a high-quality education. Yet data on how well Michigan prepares students tells a very different story. As The Education Trust-Midwest has highlighted for years, across the board, Michigan students are far behind their peers.
This is why the opportunity to develop a new plan for public education under the bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was so exciting. Under ESSA, each state department of education was required to develop a new plan for improving eduacational quality for every group of students. Yet instead of taking advantage of an opportunity to learn from the successes of leading education states and chart a new path, Michgian has largely squandered this opportunity.
The ESSA plan, originally submitted in spring 2016, was widely criticized for inadequately addressing the needs of Michigan students. Critiques came from equity-minded advocates, a bipartisan panel of educational experts, and even from state leaders, including Governor Rick Snyder and Lieutenant Governor Brian Calley. Despite broad agreement on the plan’s shortcomings – including around accountability, the undercounting of groups of students and failing to set unambitious goals – weaknesses have largely gone unaddressed. Last week, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos gave approval to the plan.
Public education in Michigan is in crisis and we will only improve when we address that reality. Michigan students deserve no less.
The need for equity advocates
Every day, The Education Trust-Midwest stands up for kids of color, low-income students and other vulnerable student groups.
Over the last year, we have joined together with a wide range of civil rights organizations, business associations and community-based organizations to insist that equity was a strong part of the state’s education plan. Arm in arm with national partners, we’ve stood up for DREAMers, who are Americans in every way except on paper. We spoke out against bigotry and hatred when white supremacists marched in Charlottesville and campuses across the country. Our research was used to inform members of Congress as they considered presidential appointments. And we have continued to insist that every Michigan student have access to a high-quality education.
Just last week, we stood up for students when U.S. Secretary of Education approved the Michigan Department of Education’s plan, despite it failing to meet the needs of Michigan students, parents, teachers and schools. And we will continue to insist that every Michigan student have access to a high-quality education.
As the end of the year approaches, we hope that you will consider standing up for equity and with Michigan students. Your tax-deductible donation helps continue The Education Trust-Midwest’s policy research, practice work and advocacy in P-12 education. Thank you for your generosity.
Take Action! Oppose Test Changes
Thank you to everyone who has already opposed disruptive changes to the M-STEP year-end assment over the last several weeks, but we still need more help! Click to send a letter to Governor Snyder and State Superintendent Whiston telling them that our students and teachers need stability in the classroom and parents deserve honest data on how well our schools are serving our students.
Noteworthy News
- Despite gains, Mich. Schools among most segregated – Jennifer Chambers and Christine MacDonald, The Detroit News
- DeVos approves Michigan’s education plan – Sarah Rahal, The Detroit News
- How much does it cost to educate a student? Some educators say it’s time to revisit school funding – Anne Runkle & Charles Crumm, The Oakland Press
- Lawmakers grill Detroit schools Superintendent Vitti, accuse him of ignoring Michigan law – Lori Higgins, Detroit Free Press
- New Report: What American Schhool Districts Can Learn From How Israel Successfully Rotates Its Superintendents – Kevin Mahnken, The 74
Capital Update
The Senate Education Committee will meet today at noon in Room 1300 of the Binsfeld Building. Agenda: House Bill 5126 (Garcia – R), which would exclude law enforcement officers from the seclusion and restraint bill package passed in 2016. The bill passed the Michigan House of Representatives in November unanimously. The committee is also expected to consider Senate Bill 702, regarding deed restriction language.
Senate Education Subcommittee on Michigan Merit Curriculum will meet on Wednesday, December 6, at 3:00pm in Room 1100 of the Binsfeld Building. The meeting will include presentations from the Michigan Department of Talent and Economic Development and the Michigan Department of Education. The agenda is available here.
The House Education Reform Committee will meet on Thursday, December 7 at 9:00am in Room 521 of the House Office Building. The agenda will include a discussion of HB 4501 (Reilly – R) which seeks to eliminate the administration of ACT WorkKeys test or any similar assessment.
The Michigan State Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, December 12 at 9:30am in the Ladislaus B. Dombrowski Board Room of the John A. Hannah Building. Agenda includes presentations on: data dashboard updates, teacher preparation and environmental impacts of students in schools.