
Improving Access to Dual Enrollment

College in high school programs are powerful vehicles for improving student success and launching students on a pathway to degree completion. Often, dual enrollment and early college programs – which allow high school students to earn transferrable college credit while in high schools – have served as acceleration strategies for higher- and middle-income students.

But as a new brief from The Education Trust and College in High School Alliance shows, all students benefit from college in high school programs, and underserved students gain the most.

As advocates, it’s our job to ensure that state, district and school leaders to take action and eliminate barriers that keep all students from high-quality dual enrollment programs. Asking the right questions to zero in on access and quality are critical. Learn more about how to make dual enrollment programs equitable.

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Education Committees Named

Over the past few weeks, education committees in the Michigan House of Representatives and State Senate have been named. Members of the Senate Education and Career Readiness Committee are listed below. Over the next several weeks, check back for other committees impacting education policy and budgets.

Senate Education and Career Readiness Committee

Tweet of the Week