Investing in Our Future
Investing in Our Future
On Wednesday, Governor Snyder announced a proposal to improve early literacy in Michigan through targeted investments in early identification of struggling readers and better interventions to help young students improve. The state investment of $25 million, a part of the Governor’s Fiscal Year 2016 budget proposal, includes funding for:
- Parent education programs
- Tools to monitor the development of early reading skills
- Professional development on research-based literacy instruction
- A certification test on evidence-based literacy instruction for new teachers
- Literacy coaches, to help develop and implement effective instruction, and
- Additional instruction and supports for struggling readers.
Additionally, the Governor indicated that he remains committed to a strong, meaningful system of educator evaluation and support by maintaining the $14.8 million investment that he first proposed for the current funding year. An increase of $100 million for at-risk students and a $75 per pupil increase is also included in the Governor’s proposal.