
EdTrust CEO to Address Mackinac Policy Conference on Thursday

Former U.S. Secretary of Education and Education Trust CEO John B. King, Jr, will address the 2018 Mackinac Policy Conference on Thursday at 2:45 PM. Secretary King will deliver his keynote address on the topic of: “Is Michigan Prepared.”

The Detroit Regional Chamber’s annual Mackinac Policy Conference brings together leaders from across sectors and industries, including leaders in business, government and nonprofit. The topic of Secretary King’s address, “Is Michigan Prepared,” is one of three conference pillars that the conference is organized around. Over the last year, Michigan’s significant challenges around overall achievement and gaps in achievement and opportunity between groups of students has been well documented.

Secretary King will speak on Thursday, May 31 at approximately 2:45 PM. His remarks, and other sessions and content from the Mackinac Policy Conference may be watch online through Detroit Public Television’s live stream.

Strategic Plan for Governor’s PreK-12 Literacy Commission

Earlier this month, the Governor’s PreK-12 Literacy Commission spoke to the House Education Reform Committee about their two-year strategic plan. The plan prioritizes increasing awareness of Michigan’s struggling literacy performance.

Initial steps outlined in the strategic plan including a public awareness campaign about the literacy crisis and how Michiganders can help students and the state improve; creating a public dashboard to help publicly track the state’s progress on this critical area; and advocate for bold, systemic improvements.

The Governor’s PreK-12 Literacy Commission was created in late 2016 by Executive Order No. 2016-18. The creation of the commission was a recommendation of the Governor’s Third Grade Reading Workgroup.

Capital Update

The Senate Education Committee will meet today at noon in Room 1300 of the Binsfeld Building. The agenda will include a discussion of House Bill 4069 (Tedder – R) which revises the college credit requirements for substitute teachers, Senate Bill 983 (Knollenberg – R) which requires schools to have a safety assessment and emergency operations plan, and SB 980 (Hune – R) which eliminates the cap on eligible credits for dual enrollment high school students.

Noteworthy News

Jacques: Talent, workforce will dominate on MackinacIngrid Jacques, The Detroit News

Five things we can do to improve education in MichiganBrian McVicar, MLive

Five ideas on how to reverse the decline in Michigan educationStateside, Michigan Radio

From an ‘F’ to an ‘A’, Tennessee now sets high expectations for students, says Harvard studyMarta W. Aldrich, Chalkbeat

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