
Leveraging the Power of Data for Strategic Learning and Improvement

The following excerpt is taken from a March 20 blog post written by Mary GrechClick here for the full post.

A recently released report by The Education Trust-Midwest leveraged the power of comparative state assessment data to provide fresh insight on Michigan’s early literacy performance. The results were troubling and become more so, as we further explore the data.

But the details matter the most. For example, not only are Michigan student scores dropping across the board, but they are actually declining for every single group of students – low-income and higher-income, Latino and Black, male and female.

While these data trends tell a concerning story about Michigan’s education direction, they do not need to be Michigan’s story for years to come. Instead, we can leverage research and data to look both within and beyond Michigan’s borders for opportunities to learn from successful improvement efforts.

Within Michigan, we can celebrate and learn from some of the state’s highest improving, high-poverty schools. Data from an innovative network of high-poverty schools in West Michigan is showing promising results for students and proving that dramatic school improvement is possible with the right systems, leadership, and strategies in place. Working in partnership with the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, and others, educators at network schools in Grand Rapids Public Schools and Wyoming Public Schools have leveraged data to identify areas for improvement, effectively implement school-level systems and initiatives, and strengthen the instructional capacity of their colleagues.

Similar dramatic learning gains are possible in Michigan, too. By leveraging the power of data and research to identify and learn more about effective improvement strategies, and by empowering our educators to implement these strategies effectively, Michigan can better support its early readers moving forward.

Click here for the full post.

Capital Update

The Senate K-12, School Aid Education Appropriations Subcommittee met today at 9:00 a.m. in room 1100 of the Binsfeld Office Building. The agenda included the FY 2018-19 Senate Subcommittee Recommendations for School Aid and Michigan Department of Education Budgets.

The House School Aid and Education Appropriations Subcommittee met today at 10:30 a.m. in room 352 of the State Capital Building. The agenda included a discussion of House Bill 5577 and the FY 2018-19 Department of Education Budget.

The Senate Education Committee is meeting today at noon in room 1300 of the Binsfeld Building. AgendaSenate Bill 885 (Shirkey – R) regarding school calendar requirements and SB 889 (Knollenberg – R), eliminating the basic skills exam from teacher certification requirements.

House Education Reform Committee meets on Thursday, March 22 at 9:00 a.m. in room 521 of the House Office Building. Agenda: HBs 55985605 – a package of bills to improve the preparation and support of teacher candidates and new teachers.

Event Spotlight

This week the Education Trust-Midwest, Business Leaders for Michigan, the Center for Michigan and many other organizations will come together for a Solutions Summit. Highlights from the event will be included in next week’s newsletter.

Tweet of the Week