
Quality evaluations and support improve teaching and learning

The most significant in-school factor for improving student learning is teaching quality. A high-quality system of educator evaluation and support has proven to be a critical part of supporting teachers and improving learning in leading education states, such as Tennessee. As the Michigan House of Representatives continues to consider legislation regarding educator evaluations and support this fall, The Education Trust-Midwest urges our leaders to learn from the successes of leading states.

Tennessee’s laser-like focus on effective teaching is paying off, as they have become the national leader in student growth. Over the past several years, they have implemented a research-based, data-informed system of educator evaluation and invested in the professional development to support their teachers. Their system includes a “value-added” data system, which helps educators analyze data to inform instruction and target professional development.

A recent survey of Tennessee teachers and administrators also show that in recent years job satisfaction has rapidly increased (now at 79 percent among teachers), most teachers think that the evaluation system is fair (68 percent), and most teachers think that the evaluation system has helped increase student learning (63 percent).

Michigan students and teachers deserve a fair, research-based evaluation system that helps improve student learning.

Infographic: Charter’s Piece of the Pie












A new tool from MLive shows the growth of students attending charter schools in communities across the state. This database does not address the important questions around the quality of education in individual schools.

The Education Trust-Midwest’s 2015 report, Accountability for All: The Need for Real Charter School Authorizer Accountability in Michigan, examines the track record of charter school authorizers in Michigan.

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