Engine of Inequality: Michigan’s Education System
Every student deserves access and opportunity to the educational resources and support that they need to achieve and fully realize their unique potential. Fair education opportunities are both essential for a healthy democracy, as well as building a globally competitive
workforce. A strong education system is foundational to the American promise of self-determination and self-realization — and the opportunity for every child in America to pursue their own American dream.
Indeed, we believe all students can learn at high levels when taught and supported at high levels. Yet, Michigan’s K-12 education system has arguably never truly supported all students to reach their full potential and prepare them for post-secondary opportunities and success.
Instead, Michigan’s education system has served as an engine of inequality when it should be providing opportunities for all kids to learn. Too often, students who live in communities without the means to provide necessary supports do not grow up with the conditions they need to thrive academically and otherwise. Now is a critical time to address these long-standing education opportunity gaps, as Michigan works to utilize the historic federal investment in education and recover from the impacts of COVID-19 on student learning, which disproportionally affected historically underserved students.
Today’s students can’t afford to wait any longer.