Public Polling – Common Core

Public Polling – Common Core

On behalf of The Education Trust – Midwest, Public Opinion Strategies and Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research conducted a statewide survey of N=600 registered voters in Michigan. The survey was conducted August 27-29, 2013, and has a margin of error of +4.0%.


Although awareness of the Common Core State Standards is relatively low, there is clear support for implementing the standards. Voters who have heard at least something about the standards have a more favorable than unfavorable opinion of them. Further, after all voters hear a basic description of the Common Core State Standards, there is very strong support for implementation across demographic subgroups, including across the partisan spectrum. Additionally, a solid majority also favor restoring the currently “paused” state funding for implementation of the Common Core State Standards.

Download Poll Results Memo

Published: September 6, 2013

Michigan’s rigorous standards, in math and English language arts, are supported by nearly all Michigan education, business, civic, parent and military organizations, that are actively involved in student achievement.

For more information the Michigan Coalition for High Student Standards and why so many people support Michigan Standards, please visit: