Press Release

The statement below may be attributed to Amber Arellano, executive director, The Education Trust-Midwest

“We are truly encouraged that Gov. Whitmer and state leaders are prioritizing public education at this critical moment. As state leaders work to address the immediate educational crisis and pandemic’s impact on students, we urge them also to prepare and plan for Michigan’s long-term educational recovery.  National research suggests millions of children have fallen behind in their learning due to the pandemic’s disruptions to learning. Educators are working very hard to address these challenges yet much more will be needed to address the learning gaps being exacerbated by COVID-19.

“While all students have been affected by COVID-19, a growing and powerful research base from across the country makes clear that certain groups of students and their learning have been much more impacted, including English Learners, Black and Latino children, rural students, and low-income students. We continue to urge policymakers to prioritize these children in Michigan.

“Michigan’s next steps should include investments in solution-based strategies to address learning loss; prioritization of funding for vulnerable students; and the development of a strategically-sound, research-based plan to help students catch up and accelerate. Gov. Whitmer’s continued commitment to a weighted school funding formula is an important step toward educational equity.”