Press Release

Contact info:

Amber Arellano
[email protected]
(734) 277-5084

Donnell Green
[email protected]
(248) 854-5297

ROYAL OAK, MI (December 15, 2011) – Today the Michigan legislature passed Senate Bill 618, which will expand charter schools in Michigan.  While we support Senator Phil Pavlov, the bill’s sponsor, in his efforts to improve our state’s public education system, we are deeply concerned the legislation did not include language that would have ensured that new charter school expansion will be one of high quality for all of our students.

Leading states such as Ohio make sure quality is a deciding factor in the expansion of existing charter schools and operators.  Our students in Michigan deserve the same assurances of quality schools as do the children of Ohio and other states.  Even when considering for poverty, there is dramatic variation in Michigan charter schools’ quality.

While the new legislation fails to address the important differences in our charter schools’ quality, it does acknowledge that charter quality matters.  We are pleased the legislation calls for the development of a work group which will examine the issue of quality.  As Michigan’s only state-wide, non-partisan education organization that works on behalf of students to close the achievement gap, we hope to collaborate with this work group.

We look forward to working with policymakers on both sides of the aisle in the coming years to improve all of our state’s schools on behalf of Michigan students.  We support high-quality schools of all kinds, regardless of governance structure.

The Education Trust-Midwest’s mission is to work for the high achievement of all students, particularly low-income, African American, Latino and American Indian students in Michigan.  Ed Trust-Midwest is a non-partisan, independent watchdog dedicated to providing honest, reliable information to families and policymakers.  It is Michigan’s only state-wide policy, research and advocacy organization focused on what is best for Michigan students.  For more information, go to:
