Michigan juniors’ ACT scores stable, Merit Exams show improvements
Original URL: https://midwest.edtrust.org/node/2587
Michigan Next State To Consider Teacher Tenure Reform Legislation
Original URL: https://midwest.edtrust.org/node/2590
Michigan’s Class of 2011 stays the toughest course as first to graduate with college-prep curriculum
Original URL: https://midwest.edtrust.org/node/2506
Lawmakers seek tenure reforms, say firing bad teachers too costly
Original URL: https://midwest.edtrust.org/node/2505
Editorial quick hits: Take a look at testing
Original URL: https://midwest.edtrust.org/node/2504
Why is it acceptable to expect less from our inner-city students?
Original URL: https://midwest.edtrust.org/node/2469
Editorial: Grade teachers fairly
Original URL: https://midwest.edtrust.org/node/2458
Snyder’s plan stirs battle on teacher metrics: Education groups want flexibility for districts
Original URL: https://midwest.edtrust.org/node/2456
Snyder has a lot of minds to change to shake up the education system
Original URL: https://midwest.edtrust.org/node/2455
Blog: Gov. Rick Snyder needs to figure out how to evaluate teachers, measure student growth for reforms to work
Original URL: https://midwest.edtrust.org/node/2454
Ed Trust-Midwest Comments on Gov. Snyder’s Education Speech
Contact info:Donnell Green, (248) 854-5297, [email protected] Arellano, (734) 277-5084, [email protected], MICH. (April 27, 2011…
Leading with Hearts and Smarts: Lessons about Raising Achievement and Closing Gaps from Schools, Districts and States on the Performance Frontier
Kati Haycock2011 Governor's Education SummitLansing, MI Published: April 25, 2011
Commentary: Craft a sensible education policy that works
Original URL: https://midwest.edtrust.org/node/2453
Our editorial: Focus on results
Original URL: https://midwest.edtrust.org/node/2424
Devise better ways to reward, improve and discipline teachers
Original URL: https://midwest.edtrust.org/node/2415
Free schools to succeed
Original URL: https://midwest.edtrust.org/node/2402
State must radically raise school standards
Original URL: https://midwest.edtrust.org/node/2416
Ed Trust-Midwest Statement on Detroit
ANN ARBOR, Mich. (February 24, 2011) – “Detroit’s devastating results on the science portion of the National Assessment of…
Achievement in America: A Fast Briefing and Four Issues to Chew On
Kati HaycockWallace-Knight Fellow, University of Michgan Ann Arbor, MI Published: February 10, 2011
“Cut Scores”
Contact info:Amber Arellano(734) [email protected];Donnell Green(248) [email protected] ANN ARBOR, MICH. -- (February 9…