Bill Threatens to Move Mich. Backward
Anti-Standards Bill Threatens to Move Michigan Backward
Earlier today, the State Senate Education Committee passed a bill by a vote of 4-1 that would stall the progress that Michigan has worked so hard to achieve, by eliminating career- and college-ready standards for all students. Instead, Michigan would be required to use outdated standards from Massachusetts that were replaced nearly ten years ago because they were not preparing students for success after high school. The bill would also require the Michigan Department of Education to move to a new, validated state assessment for next school year, based on the 2008-2009 Massachusetts assessment.
Opposition to Senate Bill 8263 (Colbeck – R) includes:
- American Association of University Women
- American Federation of Teachers – Michigan
- Business Leaders for Michigan
- Calhoun Intermediate School District
- Center for American Progress
- Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce
- Education Trust – Midwest
- Equity Caucus
- Excellent Schools Detroit
- Fight Crime: Invest in Kids
- Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce
- Michigan Assessment Consortium
- Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators
- Michigan Association of School Administrators
- Michigan Association of School Boards
- Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals
- Michigan Association of State Universities
- Michigan Association of United Way
- Michigan Coalition for High Student Standards
- Michigan Department of Education
- Michigan Education Association
- Michigan Elementary and Middle School Principals Association
- Michigan Science Teachers Association
- Michigan Small and Rural Schools Association
- Middle Cities Education Association
- Mission: Readiness
- Oakland Schools
- Ottawa Area Intermediate School District
- Ready Nation
- Wayne Regional Education Service Agency
- West Michigan Talent Triangle
Michigan has laid the foundation for a better educational system by adopting high expectations for all Michigan students and using a rigorous assessment that measures these standards. Now, students and teachers need stability and support to reach these high expectations – not a moving target.
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