
Lame Duck Recap

Going into lame duck, expectations for important school improvements ran high. In the end, a win for students came mostly through the issue that dominated the public conversation in the lead up to the end of the legislative session: road funding.

ROAD FUNDING PACKAGE IS A WIN FOR STUDENTS. The proposal, which requires voter approval, would eliminate the existing sales tax on motor fuels, institute a wholesale tax on fuel and increase the general sales tax to 7%. In addition to increasing funding for roads, it would also create a new revenue stream for schools and provide much-needed resources for high-need, at risk schools.

For more on the road- school funding proposal, read The Education Trust-Midwest statement.

EDUCATOR EVALUATION, EARLY LITERACY, MUST WAIT UNTIL NEXT YEAR. With the end of the legislative session early on Friday morning, all bills that were not passed by both the House and Senate died. High profile issues, including the creation of Michigan’s first statewide system of evaluation and support for educators, an overhaul of Michigan’s school accountability system; and other changes did not pass in 2014.

Ed Trust-Midwest looks forward to working with stakeholders next year to make sure that every student — no matter who they are — has the opportunity to achieve their full potential.

Transportation Revenue Ballot Option